Friday, April 6, 2012

My sweet girl is two!

When you're pregnant or have a baby everyone tells you to enjoy every moment because it goes by so fast. And I, and probably everyone, nods and mutters something agreeable, but ultimately dismisses it.
It shouldn't be dismissed. It goes by so fast. In the blink of an eye. Someone at work said to me "what? I thought you were just pregnant like 8 months ago!"

Two years.

I had no idea what being a mom was about. I love this girl so much its scary. This week she told me she loves me.  Twice!  My heart hurts just thinking about her little voice in my ear saying "I  love you mommy". Even Bill looked a little teary. She told Bill she loved him too. (Just once though, not that I'm keeping score)

We got her a swing set for her birthday. The look on her face and her excitement was adorable! Her independence is in full swing because she tells us "I can do it" when we try to help her.

It's an exciting (or should I say eggsiting?) week with Cassidy's birthday, Jake's birthday, Easter and her party next weekend. She's very excited about the Easter Bunny coming and has been hopping all over the house.

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