Monday, October 3, 2011

Pre-op appointments

Today I had two pre-operative appointments. 1st with a nurse who took my blood pressure, medical history and reviewed my instructions for Friday.  I answered like 75 questions about my history with all No's.  At 39 years old I can understand how shocking it is that I've never had a heart attack, stroke, diabetes! I'm healthy. Oh! Except for the cancer in my boob!

2nd appointment was with the breast surgeon’s nurse practitioner.  She explained the surgery to me (didn't I know all that before I made the decision?), showed me how to empty the drains (but the nurses will show me that at the hospital too) and attempted to explain when I'd be able to drive, lift things etc. but almost all her responses were "We defer to the plastic surgeon on that so they'll let you know".   Okay then. Why am I here with you instead of the PS then?  Waste of time!

I want to say thanks to all my amazing friends. I have relied on them more, in the past months, than ever before in my life. And they have risen to the challenge. Many kind ears to listen to my poor me attitude and freak outs.  Spa gift certificates, lunches out, a Nook, a pedicure, books, pillows and new shoes (yes, someone bought me shoes) to take my mind off things and help ease the awfulness. I want to say publicly – Thank You! I appreciate you all and will rely on you for awhile longer. I suspect the hardest part is yet to come.

I have to say a special thanks to Bill who certainly has the biggest challenge ahead. Poor Bill.  I’ve held it together pretty well, joking about it occasionally. But Bill got the rawest of my emotions during the last two months. I relied on Bill to hold me through the times I was scared, angry, freaking out and sobbing my heart out.  I married the best guy in the world! 
It’s much easier to face this and stay strong with all of you supporting me. Thank you!
Lots of your friends want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.
- Oprah Winfrey for digi-scrapbook papers

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